Tag Archives: songkran

You never shower alone in Chiang Mai

…especially so at the Cool Guest House. There you’ll have the company of this shower minx, coming towards you. Or I’m not sure if she’s gracefully backing away…

Shower minx

Anyhow, most of my time in Chiang Mai was spent wet, but mostly due to the Songkran Festival — the traditional Thai New Year — that has everyone splash each other with water for 3 days straight. Too bad the predicted 38 C didn’t quite materialize (the only time I really wanted it to be this hot), so the wet (under-)pants did get a little uncomfortable towards sunset time, but nonetheless it was a good time.


The old city of Chiang Mai is surrounded by a water pit, providing everyone with enough ammo to load their buckets and colorful water guns. The brownish water from the pit was a small source of concern but the water temperature wasn’t all that bad. Some cheeky players however put ice into their water reservoirs to make the attacks as refreshing as possible.
But all over all everyone — from young to old — was just having a good time, giggling and splashing away.


Chiang Mai is well worth a stop. The old city alone offers lots of preserved history to get your fix on traditional temples to last a long time. And among the old walls you’ll find great local eateries.
Unless you happen to walk into the tourist corner where cheap hostels, Mediterranean cuisine and Irish pubs create the perfect hive for young farang hipsters to brag about their Lonely Planet finds and show off their tattoos and braided hair.

Unfortunately, after showers and Songkran, rain had to turn half of my last day wet once again. But a wet Chiang Mai sure is better than no Chiang Mai at all.